Expert Goalkeeper
Play Expert Goalkeeper

Expert Goalkeeper

Expert Goalkeeper

All football fans can play the online sports game Expert Goalkeeper. Don your goalkeeping gloves, put your abilities to the test, and stop your enemies from scoring!

In the video game Expert Goalkeeper, you will aid the goalkeeper in stopping penalties and penalty kicks. You will observe how a player from the opposing team who is advancing will hit the ball. Your goal will be approached by a ball. Plan where you think the ball will land. Next, move quickly to stop the penalty kick. There are leaderboards for the game's friends and the world where you can compete for high scores.


  • You can quickly move your gloves with a simple tap motion.
  • Earn money to unlock stylish goalkeeper gloves by blocking more penalty kicks.
  • An exciting and fun environment that is ideal for brands.
  • Goalkeeper games are simple to learn but challenging to master.
  • An endless game of goalkeeping. Excellent for high-score mode competition.

How to play

To control the goalie gloves, use the mouse.

Stop all shots, and protect your goalpost.

Earn money to unlock new gloves.