Jumping Horse 3D
Play Jumping Horse 3D

Jumping Horse 3D

Jumping Horse 3D

In the fascinating game Jumping Horse 3D, your goal is to win by safely crossing the finish line while dodging all of the obstacles in your path. 

In the fascinating horse-riding game Jumping Horse 3D, you have to avoid every obstacle to win. While horse racing has never been an easy sport to participate in, Jumping Horse 3D will present you with even more obstacles to overcome. It is your goal to cross the finish line unharmed by any impediments. You must always have your full attention focused, and you must have fast reactions to get past obstacles without losing your balance.


  • To make your horse jump hurdles, use the Spacebar.
  • Set the horse's pace with the Up and Down arrow keys. 

You must be cautious in every move you take since hitting an obstacle will stop the game and force you to restart the journey.