Pass the Ball
Play Pass the Ball

Pass the Ball

Pass the Ball

In the thrilling basketball game Pass the Ball, your teamwork is the key to putting as many balls in the basket as you can! The last basket has the key on top of it. To access the next levels, you must gather them. As you go through the stages, you'll encounter more people and more intricate, fascinating settings to explore.

How to play

You must keep an eye on things, modify the force and trajectory of your shot, and score a goal. As a cohesive team, you must gather the ball and neatly bounce it from one player to another; this is not an individual match. This work can seem straightforward to you at first. However, the difficulty of the game will increase significantly as it goes on, and you'll have to contend with seemingly never-ending levels, perilous barriers, and spinning wheels that will obstruct your path. 

If you're looking for more thrilling options in the Basketball games, take a look at our collection listed below!