Surfer Cat
Play Surfer Cat

Surfer Cat

Surfer Cat

You play as a surfing cat in the game Surfer Cat, who is out to gather seashells. With your cute kitty by your side, are you ready to go surfing? 

Introduce the Surfer Cat game

The goal of the cat, the primary character in this game, is to avoid obstacles made of rocks while surfing across waves. To complete this quest, you must manipulate the cat. When numerous difficulties are waiting for you on the open sea, this will be an intriguing but also very challenging adventure. Make careful steer to get the cat to the finish line and get as many seashells as you can. 


The character can be moved with the arrow keys or the WASD keys. 

You restart the game after each accident and put in more effort to improve your performance and score more points than previously. Thus, launch the game right now! 

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